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Monday, May 3, 2010

Horrendous hail halts Hiker. Has higher hopes henceforth.

While I would normally not be averse to hiking in any weather condition, today's rain is keeping me off the trails.  It is pouring heavily outside, dampening my spirit along with the streets and houses.  Yesterday was rainy, too, but only a drizzle.  I was unable to hike, though, due to my wife's graduation ceremony.  Seeing her receive her Master's degree was a very proud moment that I will never forget.  Jackie, I love you! If you're reading this, I hope you know how very special you are to me and how much I believe in your capability to conquer any task, no matter how great (or foreboding).

Have no fear, readers. The Hiker will be back out there hitting the trails soon.  The main reason I have chosen to stay indoors today is my two dogs.  Due to yesterday's activities, we were gone all day.  Needless to say, the puppy is restless and full of unspent energy.    Red, being older, is content to sleep for 23 and 1/2 hours with no complaint.  The puppy needs excercise.  Lots of it.  Thursday's hike tired him out for a day or so, but now he's back to his old high-energy self.  Not a bad thing, to be able to rebound that quickly. 

It's not that I have an aversion to the rain, nor do the dogs (Cash, at least).  It is the prospect of a VERY muddy car interior that I cannot abide.  I need to get myself a vehicle more suited to occasional bouts of muddiness.  I do not own a truck or SUV, but merely a newer sedan with a light-colored interior.  Not a good match for a muddy, wet and wiggly puppy.  Hopefully, I can remedy this sooner than later.  A good friend of mine, who is in the know about all matters vehicle-related, is on the lookout for a decent used truck (preferebly with closed cab) for my purchase.  We'll have to wait and see.

As for other hiking opportunities this week, I think that Saturday is a good prospect.  It looks as though the whole family will be going, so it should be interesting.  I have a couple destinations in mind, but I'll let my wife choose.  This time, I promise, it will be shorter than eight miles.  Promise.

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