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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Hike 3 - Meadow Run - 3.2 miles

Having warmed up with the Ferncliff trail, we drove down 381 for about a mile to the parking lot for the Meadow Run Trail.  This was another crowded parking lot, signifying that we were going to be encountering another popular destination.       

From the car, we took the trail on the far right, uphill through some light forest.  Reaching the top of the hill, we came upon some rocky outcroppings.  The trail followed the boulders downhill to the banks of Meadow Run, then turned sharply to the left and followed it along its edge.

As we hiked along the stream, the boulders to our left seemed to be leaking.  Apparently the water table was somewhere above us, causing water to appear to pour out of the rock. 

Hiking on, we found several fisherman enjoying the swiftly flowing run, along with a few daring swimmers.  Despite our tiring legs, we marched on through a narrow path carved between thickets of rhododendrons, hoping to see the famous natural water slides.  We almost made it. 

Upon reaching the area where the slides were located, we found a nice spot for a rest.  The crowd of people ahead of us was something else, entirely.  Apparently, the local population is quite fond of the free entertainment the slides provide, as no less than 100 people swarmed ahead of us, in and around the river.  Despite the large sign in the parking area that clearly read, "alcoholic beverages prohibited," many bottle and cans could be seen in the hands of the revelers.  Don't get me wrong, I don't disapprove of the occasional adult beverage, only when it's clearly prohibited.  Oh well, the dangerous combination of fast water, slippery rocks and alcohol makes for a Darwinian exhibition at its finest. 
Rather than retrace our steps through the rhododendron jungle, we opted to hike directly up the hill to our left on a little-used path.  In no time we were standing alongside PA 381, needing only to walk the final 0.6 miles back up the road to our car.  This walk was easier than tramping through the woods, but the trade-off for an easier path was a loss of scenery.  Sore and disappointed, we finally arrived at the trail head.
Overall, I give this hike a 5/10.  The hike is a nice path, but it can get muddy and slippery as you travel along the creek bed.  Also, it's a narrow path, with moderate to heavy traffic, depending on the season.  If the weather is nice, plan to see lots of "hikers," -  barefoot river enthusiasts, six-pack in tow, crowding the trail and frolicking in the stream.  Poison ivy is prevalent as well, though not to the degree found in Ferncliff.   Take my advice - avoid the waterslides, and truncate this hike early by taking the left hand turn back to the parking area.  It shortens the hike by a mile or so, but you'll thank me in the end. 

You can't win 'em all.

Hike on.

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